<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0252/0927/4404/files/TM-Combo-Logo-Block-Black-650.png?v=1580931784" alt=" TravisMathew Brand logo" align="middle" style="border:0;"><p><p>W-Dash</p>

 TravisMathew Brand logo



QTY 1 24 100
W-DASH $133.00 $129.50 $126.00 A

Description: When the style is this clean, you may find yourself wanting to wear the DASH full-zip vest with everything. Ideal for warmer and cooler temps, the lightweight poly fill makes this vest the perfect outer layer.

Fabric: Polyester/Spandex Blend 

 Lifestyle Performance  

Premium quality fabric blends that provide style, performance and comfort for work and play.

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